

30th Program: Dr. David O'Hara, Professor of Environmental Science at Augustana University

  Location: SF Rotary South Pollinator Garden (69th and Curae)


6th Service: Serve at The Banquet-West (signup available)

  Location: Banquet - West

13th Meeting: MNF Book Fundraising Work Night

Location: Look's Market

20th Program: Rotary District 5610 Governor, Bruce Nearhood

  Location: Look's Market

27th Social: A Night with The Canaries - 6pm 

 Location: The Canaries "Bird Cage"


3rd No Meeting - Labor Day Holiday

Location: Look's Market

10th Social: MNF Dip Contest 

  Location: Off-Site

17th Club Service: Night at the Garden

Location: SF Rotary South Pollinator Garden (69th and Curae)

24th Program: Lorrie Halverson 

Location: Look's Market


1st Program:  Ashok Kumar, End Polio Now District Update 

Location: Look's Market

8th Program:  Derek Ricci - Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce 

  Location: Look's Market

15th Club Service: Night at the Garden (last of the season)

Location: SF Rotary South Pollinator Garden (69th and Curae)

22nd Event: A Short Walk to End Polio 

Location: Harrisburg Lake Ole Park

29th Program: Todd Eckland Cub Scouts 

  Location: Look's Market